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Inneffectual Liberal Jackoffs, Pt II

Nice tits, you socially-conscious young ideologue, you!

European students are idiots. Theoretically, that’s ok. After all, being a student, nominally at least, means you learn stuff. In practice, however, students learn nothing. How could they? They already know everything. I’m not sure what the root cause of that is. Is it because they’re young? Is it because they’ve never had real jobs? Most of the students I know are close to being 30 years old. When, exactly, were these losers planning on graduating? Do they maybe not see that a system that holds your hand until your 30, then forces you to retire at 63 maybe, just maybe, isn’t a fiscally viable one? Maybe it’s because they don’t understand how the world works.

I’m a grouchy old man. I understand how the world works, and it’s not really that complicated: You get what you deserve, but don’t always deserve what you get. You work hard, you get stuff. Can be that at some point, some of your stuff gets taken away from you. Let’s call that the Margin of Error. At any rate, what is certain is that whatever benefits you receive from this Margin of Error is not really yours, save by luck alone. You should enjoy such windfall, but you can’t count on it being there. And nobody cares about your whiny, babbling outcry when it gets taken away.

Students in countries like the United States are also idiots, but for different reasons. In the U.S., you pay for college. It’s expensive, but it’s doable. According to the Heinlein Morality Principle, you appreciate it more, because you or your family paid for it. It didn’t get taken away from other people at gunpoint, in the form of taxes, and given to you. The reason american students are idiots usually is because they’re rich kids. Rich kids are the worst little bastards in the world. Not all of them, of course; Just a crushing majority of them.

Back to European Idiot Students: Not only are they kids, and Europeans, they’re also getting free college. What nasty little communists. Over the last 50 years, the European University System has undermined its value so badly that they’ve resorted to filming pornos (see above) to raise money. Now, I’m not against entrepreneurship, and God knows I’ve got nothing against a good porno, but these little turds are filming a porno as a protest! That’s the state of rhetoric in European universities. In order to protest the cutting of education budgets by the German government, they film a movie about a young, attractive co-ed balling a professor. I can only guess that a professor wrote the script.

Why can’t these oh-so-enlightened little knuckleheads do something effective as a protest? A local independent international watchdog association reported last year that a group of civic-minded little bastard-fuck cocksucker terrorist pieces of shit trash idiots, presumably students, went around destroying 10 percent of the restrooms on campus, and breaking 10 percent of the computers (by stealing hardware, no less!) on the Augsburg University campus in response to the 10 percent cuts in funding. Their point? Hey, dude, see how bad it is when you got 10 percent less? At least, I assume that’s what they were trying to say. All they really managed, of course, was to undermine their own moral position, and redirect even more of the University’s funding away from scholastics in order to repair the damage.

But that’s not important. Shit like this is just an attention-grab. Little snots like this don’t really have anything to say that’s work hearing. Nor do they matter in the grand scheme of things. I laugh at their hardship. I’m giggling inside at the thought of all these 35-year old students suddenly being shot out of a cannon into the business world with neither credentials nor work experience to fall back on, and a 20% unemployment rate just waiting there to catch them.

Keep filming those pornos baby. You might have a future in that, at least.

Related Links
Ineffectual Liberal Jackoffs Pt. I



den artikel nur berflogen habend... schau dir die geifernden reporter an... there already is a presence, why worry about the future? ... cause her tits are better than the aesthetic sense she displays on the topic. on the other hand, their protests don't lead to methan production...

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