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23rd of October, 2024



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Blogging with Ecto

Recently, I’ve been poking around the Internet a bit, slumming for blogtools. I say slumming because I’m generally an anti-tool kind of person. I sweated out the decision to switch to Movable Type, for example, for 3 months before I finally jumped. At the time, I was writing my own content management system, the now-lamented CMX®. After much deliberation, I decided to go instead with the industry-standard MovableType, because CMX® sucked like Denise Richards at a casting call.

A short while ago, I wrote an article, never published because it also sucked, concerning the integration of HTMLArea with MovableType. This was my publishing constellation of choice for a while. I can do HTML, but HTMLArea not only makes it unnecessary, it also works on Mac, thus allowing me to post both lazily and smugly. Then, a chain reaction of mishaps occurred. HostingMatters my hosting provider, upgraded the server which hosts all my stuff. This broke the Turing test I had installed, the wonderful scode plugin, which I subsequently uninstalled so that my comments worked and I could once again be called a White Monkey by the many visiting Muslims who find my site by googling “All Muslims Are Terrorists”. Then, the comment-spammers found my site, and I began experiencing the joy of deleting 200 online poker ads per minute. Who the fuck plays that much online poker anyway? The joy of poker is eating Doritos, farting, and smoking cigars within the anti-woman shell that is the basement rumpus room, while pretending that Tuesday night is all about winning a handful of nickels you’ll wind up tossing in that fucking wooden bucket in the corner that you really need to take down to the Kroger and toss in the big Change-Automat anyway. But I digress. This led to my upgrading to MovableType 3, which is still free for the small blogger, by the way. And it’s ok, with TypeKey registration and all, which not one of you lazy fucks have bothered with. I know you’ve got to register with TypeKey to be able to post, but it’s not like Janet Reno works for Six Apart, you fucking Unabombers, so get a grip. Skinner said it’s on the up-and-up.

Where the hell was I? Oh, yeah, ecto. So, I went out and bought ecto, which cost a whopping $13 or something like that, so yeah, I’m broke now. Bloggin with ecto, yeah man, wonder what the poor people are doing. ecto lets you write in WYSIWYG mode, automatically upload pictures, and control multiple blogs. As long as you’ve got a Mac, that is. The Windows(tm)(r)(s)(c) version came with the price of purchase, but it’s not a real big improvement over the old method of scribbling your blog entries on the backs of beer-soaked bar naps in your own snot and sending them to old girlfriends via U.S. mail. But it’s free, so what the fuck.

And on the Mac it rocks.


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