Wrong On So Many Levels
Posted by Politics at 8:05 p.m. on April 07th, 20070 Comments 0 Pings in
I guess after the 2006 elections, the Democrats are finally comfortable doing what comes naturally-- Playing Santa with other people’s money:
The state is apparently facing a budget crisis--to the tune of $1 billion. On Thursday, House Democrats delivered a spending bill that includes the idea of putting $38 million worth of public funds toward outfitting every student with a digital music player. The plan also included measures to tax soda and satellite TV services, among other things, to raise funds.
But, The Detroit News’ editorial makes an astute point wondering “how financially strained Michigan residents will feel about paying higher taxes to buy someone else’s kid an iPod.”
In all fairness, the word ‘iPod’ wasn’t mentioned; still, I have to wonder about state mandates like this. Much like “universal health care” actually means “mandatory health care that costs 3 times as much”, this proposally probably actually proscribes “mandatory ownership of a knockoff MP3 player that is indirectly linked somehow to a Michigan lobbyist named Chang”.
The Socialists are giving away the store, that they may pat themselves on the back with good warm fuzzy feelings all ‘round. But wait a minute; mandating things like digital music player ownership would have certain, erm, multicultural implications, wouldn’t it? Case in point, those Michiganders of the Islamic variety. Music is haram. Wouldn’t mandating iPod ownership, as well as levying taxes to pay for it, violate their religious rights?
Most multi-cultists forget: Your average moderate Muslim is just beyond Lithgow in Footloose on the wack-o-meter.