On Hot-linking
Posted by Tech at 1:35 p.m. on Sept. 28th, 20062 Comments 0 Pings in
Hot-linking is the embedding of other people’s content in your own web page, usually without attribution. You do it, for example, when you copy the URL of an image and paste it into the code of a blog post. Instead of hosting that image yourself, you’re basically stealing someone else’s bandwidth to display something.
I don’t really mind people hotlinking my stuff. I get a lot of referrers from forums, for example. People link to a lot of stuff from my sketchbook pages, despite the generally low quality of the drawings. I usually let it slide.
But for some reason, I just couldn’t help myself when it came to these guys. The general douchebaggery of the page made it irresistible. Hint: Check out ‘Hobbies’. They’d loaded this picture from my server on their page without asking. They won’t notice it, either, at least until their browser cache expires.
I could’ve done worse; just ask A-Heldin. She learned the hard way.
A-Heldin aka Ann
September 28, 2006 at 5:06 p.m.:Gosh, his hobby sure does suck... ;) But as you're saying... I'm glad for that guy that you're not always so into, uh... pictographical things...