Bullshit Detector
Posted by Politics at 1:31 p.m. on Nov. 07th, 20060 Comments 0 Pings in
Apparently, the bullshit detector is not standard equipment for Democrats:
What they’re actually charging here is that Republicans are calling voters and threatening them with arrest if they vote Democrat. Now, I’m pretty jaded to the shrill whining that passes for Progressive political discussion, so I usually just scroll past such news stories as so much humbug. But what does that do for our general political alertness level? Who’s actually going to notice if some sort of diabolically crooked electioneering really does subvert the American political process? I don’t think that Diebold is really on the side of Republicans, guys. At least not to the point that they’d rat out a Democratic administration in y’all’s favor.
The Democrats are going to get trounced in this election, at least if they get what they deserve. I’m so fed up with their mock outrage, I’m almost wishing I hadn’t thrown my vote away on Libertarians. Get out there; vote Republican; and let’s see if we can make that vein pop out on Kos’s forehead again.
Republicans are so afraid to run on their merits that they continue to resort to dirty tricks.I’ve been hearing these stories from the left ever since I started voting. The only voter intimidation I’ve ever personally witnessed is the same constant badgering of conservatives as racist, homophobic, reactionary, Christian fundamentalists that has become the mainstream criticism of the right in the media and, indeed, in general discourse. Now, I’m supposed to believe that the Republican party is creating personalized-yet-automated phone messages for Democrats in an attempt to illegally disenfranchise Daily Kos readers? While I’m for it in principle, I doubt they’d be that brazen.
Listen to this robocall (.WAV) being sent to Virginia voters:
Tim Daly from Clarendon got a call saying that if he votes Tuesday, he will be arrested. A recording of his voicemail can be found online at: www.webbforsenate.com/media/phone_message.wav
The transcript from his voicemail reads:
“This message is for Timothy Daly. This is the Virginia Elections Commission. We’ve determined you are registered in New York to vote. Therefore, you will not be allowed to cast your vote on Tuesday. If you do show up, you will be charged criminally.”
Daly has been registered to vote in Virginia since 1998, and he has voted for the last several cycles with no problem. He has filed a criminal complaint with the Commonwealth’s attorney in Arlington.
What they’re actually charging here is that Republicans are calling voters and threatening them with arrest if they vote Democrat. Now, I’m pretty jaded to the shrill whining that passes for Progressive political discussion, so I usually just scroll past such news stories as so much humbug. But what does that do for our general political alertness level? Who’s actually going to notice if some sort of diabolically crooked electioneering really does subvert the American political process? I don’t think that Diebold is really on the side of Republicans, guys. At least not to the point that they’d rat out a Democratic administration in y’all’s favor.
The Democrats are going to get trounced in this election, at least if they get what they deserve. I’m so fed up with their mock outrage, I’m almost wishing I hadn’t thrown my vote away on Libertarians. Get out there; vote Republican; and let’s see if we can make that vein pop out on Kos’s forehead again.
Technorati Tags: 2006 election, kos, politics, electioneering