Posted by War at 1:55 a.m. on March 22nd, 20045 Comments 0 Pings in

April 24, 2004 at 10:17 a.m.:Yes, political correctness certainly lives with some strange contraditions.
One or two things I don't understand (and I really don't understand, I'm not saying this or that is wrong), being from Australia I might be a bit out of touch:
1) What did Rube originally mean by saying that this person was a cocksucker?
2) What's happening with "Bush trying to stop partial birth abortion"?
3) What is "the SOB"?
Thanks in advance,
April 24, 2004 at 12:20 p.m.:"Cocksucker" is a figurative pejorative, not a literal one. Basically, when I call someone a cocksucker, I usually just mean that he's an asshole, a dickhead, or a vicious sack of shit.
That this guy was in San Francisco points towards both the figurative and literal meanings of the word being correct.
I assume what Nick meant with the partial birth abortions, is that women's groups demonize the conservatives in the US for trying to stop abortion, even when it's so morally offensive as the partial-birth variety, and see it as a grievous violation of women's rights; they turn a blind eye, however, to truly serious violations, such as those in Islamic countries, as long as it helps their political agenda.
Ergo, "short-sighted hypocrites" is a good description of the american left.
April 24, 2004 at 12:22 p.m.:Oh, and "the SOB" would be the "son of a bitch". Is that what you were asking?
April 26, 2004 at 11:14 a.m.:Thanks Rube,
I knew what a "cocksucker" was/is, but just wasn't sure of the reasons for calling the person that name. I think I agree with you guys, though.
I wasn't sure what SOB stood for, and am glad you pointed that out.
Also, I'm not sure what "partial-birth" means. But I'd be happy to do a google search or something. There's been a bit on the news here about it, and today I saw Whoopi Goldberg (sp?) speaking in front of a big demo.
It's so refreshing that you guys haven't been sucked in by the moron majority.
April 2, 2004 at 4:12 a.m.:Cocksucker pretty much sums it up about this asshole. The ironic part of this is that this shit for brains probably belongs to several human rights organizations, environmental organizations and supports womens equal rights. Now, there is mothing wrong with any of these types of oranizations unless you are quite the hypocrite by thinking that Saddam Hussein should have been left alone. As I see it the human rights crowd should have been dancing in the streets with Saddam and sons wither captured or deep sixed. Their atrocities are heinous and too many to mention but they act as if Bush were the Anti-Christ. Fuck you! Environmentalists don't seem to remember the oil wells set ablaze during Gulf War I, an environmental disaster caused by Saddam Hussein but once again Bush is the SOB. Fuck you! Women in Iraq are no longer subjected to the rape rooms of Saddam and sons but the women's movement in the USA says nothing but why is Bush trying to stop partial birth abortion? Fuck you, you shortsighted hypocrites.